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Queens Road, Richmond
North Yorkshire, DL10 4AE



Welcome to the Richmond Methodist Church in the heart of our community in Richmond, North Yorkshire.

Our mission and vision is to be an inclusive, vibrant congregation where everyone is loved, cared for and valued.

A space where faith, worship, service, and evangelism affirms, inspires, and challenges.

To become a welcoming, accessible, modern, charitable and very special multi-use community space, available for outreach and for local groups to meet, all in the presence of God.

Who we are - more about the Church

Richmond Methodist Church, North Yorkshire

Who We Are

Who We Are



What We Do

What We Do

What's On

What's On

Rooms For You

Rooms For You

The Way Ahead

The Way Ahead
Trigger Text

Richmond Methodist Church

A God-led, spirit-filled church, serving and ministering to individuals, families and the community.