Queens Road, Richmond
North Yorkshire, DL10 4AE
Worship is at the heart of the Church, celebrating the Good News of Jesus Christ and reflecting our lives today in our local community and throughout the world.
Through participation, reflection, prayer, discourse, digital presentation, music, and of course, being Methodists especially in song, we share the joy of Christian fellowship.
Worship is differentiated to express the interests of regular worshipers of all ages including, young people and children, as well as increasingly those who make occasional visits.
Children and young people are welcome to special Junior Church sessions, but space and activities are also available within the Morning Service.
The worship space is flexible, providing for varied experimental arrangements, as well as more traditional Methodist Services. Access ramps and lifts facilitate access.
We are delighted to welcome and to share worship with the children and the staff of Richmond Methodist Primary School.
We provide a chaplain to the school to help support the school, its pupils and their families, and to foster links with the church.
This is our main worship time of the week.
Services last about an hour and are led by members of our Ministerial and Lay preaching teams, who combine creative new expressions of worship with the more traditional Methodist celebration. On occasions, this worship is led by a local team of worship leaders, and draws in contributions from others in the congregation offering opportunities to experiment and reflect interests of the community.
Once each month the worship includes holy communion led by our minister or one of the Circuit Ministerial team.
This worship is available to all and is usually held in the church lounge as the congregation is smaller.
Once each month this is in the form of a healing service.
At times, worship is part of the weekday meetings, like the Tuesday Fellowship and Cameo.
More information about this can be found in the section 'What we do' about the church's activities.
Worship reflects the Church year which guides the themes used. Variously, worship reflects the hope of the Advent season leading to the festivity of Christmas, the solemnity of the Lenten period and Holy Week, the Joy of Easter, and the energy of the Christian Church's birthday at Pentecost.
Methodists here in Richmond see themselves as sharing in and contributing to their local community and reflect this in worship, yet we are also a national and world church and we reflect the needs of our wider community in the United Kingdom and throughout the world.
We share worship with other local Churches and Methodist Chapels within our circuit, especially on such occasions as the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the World day of Prayer, or the Easter Walk of Witness.
Queens Road
North Yorkshire
DL10 4AE
Copyright © 2024 Richmond Methodist Church, North Yorkshire, DL10 4AE - All rights reserved | Site by Moonburst
The four weeks before Christmas, Christians call Advent which is a time when they prepare for the celebration of the birth of Jesus, with the festive carols and worship that people associate with the season. Yet for Christians, it is also that time they look at how they are prepared for welcoming the return of Jesus that he promised in the Gospel stories. It is often symbolized as a journey from darkness to light as represented by the lighting of candles in the advent ring.
Lent is that time of year when Christians remember the story in the Gospels, of Jesus surviving forty days in the desert fasting, as he prepared for his mission. During the time he rejected the roles of social, political, or religious domination, to take the path of humility, which eventually led to his suffering and his crucifixion, to bring all human beings back to God. Christians take this time to consider their own life, and some find it helpful to fast or to deny themselves things. Christians in Richmond often share a simple weekly meal together during Lent. The Methodist worshipers in Richmond raise a plain wooden Cross, and place on it each week during worship, symbols of Jeus's humility and sacrifice.
Pentecost is the celebration of the birthday of the Christian Church. In the weeks after Jesus left them, his followers in Jerusalem remained in hiding until the day of Pentecost, when filled with the power of the Holy Spirit they burst out on the street in celebration. From this point on, the earliest Christians and his followers through time, have shared God's good news of Jesus Christ
Holy Week
Holy Week is the week leading up to Easter starting with celebration of Jesus's entry into Jerusalem, greeted with palm leaves waved by the crowds. This gives name to Palm Sunday. Through the rest of the week Christians follow those events that led to Christ's humiliation and crucifixion on Good Friday. On that day Christian in Richmond share a walk of faith through the town led by a cross. The week ends with the celebration of Christ's resurrection on Easter Sunday. At the Methodist Church on Easter Sunday, the Lent Cross is decorated with flowers, and placed at the front of the church on Queen's Street.